Requirements To Pass Our Challenge

Modified on: 6th December 2023


Follow the below requirements to ensure you ace the steps of each challenge.


Tier 1 

10% Profit in 30 days
Minimum 10 days of trading
Daily Loss/Drawdown (equity) of 5%
Max Overall Loss of 12%


Tier 2 


10% Profit in 30 days
Minimum 10 days of trading
Max Daily Loss/Drawdown (equity) of 5%
Max Overall Loss of 12%

Our team measures daily drawdown by monitoring your position’s performance over a specified time as a percentage of its initial equity. The percentage is obtained by using a formula that entails the initial equity and end of previous day equity.

Our team will determine whether or not your trading style is suitable to receive a Funded account by taking the following points into consideration:

  • If you keep position size consistent.
  • If scaling of trades is consistent and appropriate.
  • If and which position sizes are kept open before and during major news events and/or market closings.

  • If a large sum of profit is earned per day. Profit earned in a single trading day should not exceed 30% of the overall profit earned.

  • Which lot sizes are traded on capital. Multiple factors will be taken into consideration such as the asset traded, time, and date along with other market conditions.

  • If protections such as Stop Losses and Take Profits have been used.



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